Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Revit Saver's Compiled List of Dynamo Learning Resources

I happened to stumble upon this exceptional list of learning resources for Dynamo. I am currently in the process of learning it myself, and finding resources to further my knowledge on it has been slim pickings. Thanks to amoursol on this may be one of the more complete lists of resources available on the web. None of the links are transferable from the post, so below the post is strictly an overview of his post; however, the link to where the links are actually available is available below.

Overview Courtesy of amoursol on

Dynamo Learning Resources

This post is intended to be a learning resource that simply links to external blogs/websites and Youtube channels on the subject of Dynamo.

Note: As of release 0.8.0 and Dynamo Studio, Dynamo is in a reasonably stable state and the node nomenclature should remain consistent. However, please bear in mind that they are still subject to change as it's a constantly evolving program.

Note: When following older tutorials, nodes will exist in different forms and/or names but should be relatively logical to search. Dynamo has undergone a an entire rebuild more than once in it's short lifetime.

Websites/Blogs: - Forums containing very knowledgeable people on the subject of Dynamo. Dynamo developers frequent this forum.
Github - Github is where the development team are hosting all of the open source code for Dynamo.
Dynamo Primer - A comprehensive guide to visual programming, covering best practices, cross-disciplinary programming applications, computational geometry and many more topics.

The Simply Complex - Marcello Sgambelluri's blog about all things Revit/Dynamo. He frequents this forum too!
The Proving Grounds - A website from Case's Nathan Miller (Author of the Rhynamo and Lunchbox Dynamo nodes). - Konrad Sobon's website about practical Dynamo workflows and Python development (Author of the Grimshaw and Archi-Lab nodes as well as Mantis Shrimp).
Enjoy Revit - HyunWoo Kim's website for Revit and Dynamo. He frequents this forum too!
SixtySecond Revit - John P's website (Author of the Rhythm Dynamo nodes) with 60 second tidbits on all things Revit and Dynamo
AEC, You and ME - Julien Benoit's blog, author of the Steam Nodes, with an RTC presentation and various thoughts on the Construction industry.
What Revit Wants - Luke Johnson's all things Revit blog including a comprehensive post on 15 Practical uses of Dynamo.
Revit Dynamite and Ammo - Jostein Olsen's Dynamo blog (Author of a few custom nodes) including some nifty tips and tricks, python code and his thoughts on the world of Dynamo.
Revit Beyond BIM - Dieter Vermeulen's blog with a focus on the structural engineering side of Dynamo.
EMADALQATTAN Parametric Modelling - Emal Al-Qattan's blog post about the modelling of the Yas Viceroy Hotel in Abu Dhabi.


DynamoBIM's Learning Videos - A series of Videos from the DynamoBIM website. They are under the process of being revamped but are still very useful.
Structural Computational Logic by Håvard Vasshaug - A tutorial that runs through the creation of an Adaptive Component, then uses Dynamo to place said component.
Case's Door Renumbering - A door re-numbering tutorial by William Wong from Case Inc.
Håvard Vasshaug's Random Parameter Values - A tutorial that showcases using Dynamo to sporadically resize tree families.
BIMTecnicheParametrichediProgettazione - Claudio Vittori's Adaptive Component placement tutorial.
Getting Bottom of Pipe (MEP) - Mohammed Mahboob's simple tutorial on a difficult OOTB Revit problem.

Youtube: - A Facade Surface tutorial series by Andrzej Samsonowicz.
HyunWoo Kim's Channel - A notable collection of Revit and Dynamo resources.
Zach Kron's Channel - One of the Dynamo developers. Most of his content is with previous releases but it is an invaluable learning resource.
Håvard Vasshaug's Channel - More examples of what he's done than tutorials but totally inspiring. Has a structural bent.
Jeremy Roh's Channel - An in-depth collection of tutorials that use the his website for additional tutorial resources.
Konrad Sobon's Channel - The creator of Channel consists of in-depth tutorials with a particular focus on his own Python node development.
BIMtopia - The youtube channel of Glenn Katz from Stanford University. He has a structural Engineering focus and some very in-depth tutorial sessions on Dynamo.

Twitter: A lot of people doing exciting things in the Dynamo world use Twitter to post their Dynamo thoughts and visuals.

Below are a list of people worth following:

@DynamoBIM - Dynamo itself (Of course!)
@marcellosgamb - Marcello Sgambelluri
@ZachKron - Zach Kron (Dynamo developer)
@elayabharath - Elayabharath
@MattJezyk - Matt Jezyk (Dynamo Developer)
@a_dieckmann - Andreas Dieckmann
@arch_laboratory - Konrad Sobon
@ColinMcCrone - Colin McCrone (Dynamo Developer)
@BigBadBIM - Eric Lewis
@archinate - Nathan Miller
@BIM4Struc - Dieter Vermeulen
@solamour - This is my own twitter feed. I post about Dynamo among other things - almost all Architecturally related.

Python: is the Code Language used by Dynamo
Python Migration - This is a Wiki page on the Github talking about Python code migration between releases and how to start creation of Python Nodes.
MITOpenCourseWare - This is an Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python (Not Dynamo specific) from MIT under their edX platform. It goes over the basics of Python though to deeper concepts and covers common pitfalls when using the language.

Other: is a few websites that will help you with your Dynamo exploration

Wolfram Mathworld - A preeminent mathematics resource that will help you understand mathematical concepts for use in formulaic Dynamo data control and manipulation.
Last edited by amoursol; Yesterday at 07:05 AM. Reason: Additions: Mohammed Maboobs MEP tag tutorial

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