Monday, May 23, 2016

Application of the Month - Adobe - My Portfolio - May 2016

This weekend I spent a small amount of time configuring a domain for my portfolio, and setting up a place to showcase my work as it is developed professionally and throughout my future studies at Montana State University. I figured I would share the application to anyone else that was interested in a quick and easy way to showcase their work. This also was a way for me to stay productive this summer leading up to my graduate studies at Montana State University.

The process:

I created a simple .com domain through Hover. Hover charges me $13.00 bucks annually to maintain my domain, and it was incredibly easy to configure.

I then proceeded to use Adobe - My Portfolio. 

My portfolio is tied to my Adobe Creative Cloud account. The beauty of this is that any item that I add from Photoshop, In-Design, Muse, etc. (Any Adobe Product or image downloaded from online) will be synced across all platforms and accessible for use later. This is incredibly efficient for my efficiency as a designer! 

The Result (~ one hour of time.):

Nickel Architecture:

This quick process allowed for me to create an active/evolving portfolio that I can go to in the future to quickly add projects that I've worked on to showcase my work professionally and as it's completed efficiently.

Google Analytics Integration is a breeze as well. Simply register for a tracking id here:

You can also setup data analytic dashboards for viewing location maps of data and whole plethora of other bits of information.

Set up your account. Get your tracking ID and simply paste it into your finished portfolio here:

Located Under "Edit your settings" on the left side of the edit portfolio window pane.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Autodesk CAMduct - Import a Flat Pattern DXF to your Database for Future Use!

The following steps are taken to import a .dxf file that was drawn in rhinoceros (or AutoCAD) into your CAMduct database library. These steps are very useful for shapes that you may want to reuse in the future.

1.) Draw your flat pattern in rhinoceros or AutoCAD.

Drawn part that's been manually unrolled into a flatpattern.

2.) Export the flat pattern to a .dxf file using the Imperial CAM setting on export. (This helps if you're going to be exporting the CAMduct file to another third party CAM software for CNCing.)

Export Selected

3.) Insert the flat pattern into CAMduct by clicking File -> Import -> Items. Point the file path to where you saved your flat pattern .dxf. I generally temporarily place them on my desktop to delete after this process to ease file management. Especially since it is being archived to my CAMduct database.

Select .DXF that you exported in last step.

Accept the Item to add to your job list.

4.) Once the item has been added to your job list you will want to go to your job contents folder. Right click the item in your job contents folder that relates to the imported .dxf file, and then select in the dropdown list "Save as Catalogue" This will open a folder location and you will point to the folder to where you want it to be retrievable in the future from your database.

Image of flat patterns in a database location mixed with CID patterns and other .ITM file types.
